Monday, June 28, 2010

A Humbling Experience - Explained

Yeah, sorry guys. I know that was a little confusing. I got cut short and had to go and didn't get a chance to proofread or anything. The ocean was really rough - mainly that was the humbling experience, but also just fishing for the first day and not really knowing what to do or how things work. On top of all that, everything seemed to go wrong, and finally, after I volunteered to go out in the boat and find the missing net, we ran out of gas over a mile offshore and it was over an hour before somebody came to tow us back in. We finally all ate dinner at midnight, went to bed at 1:30, and had to be up and at the house by 5:30am this morning to fish again. Thank goodness, David and I more or less have the day off tomorrow, however we are getting up by 4:30 to go on a free guided King Salmon trip down the Kenai River with a guy that used to teach at the same school as Mike. Hopefully we will have some pictures of big fish up on the blog in the next couple of days.

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